Beautiful Pittsburgh Skyline
Council Navy Ball Friday, October 11, 2024
Friends of the Sea Services:
Save the Date… The Navy Ball, sponsored by your Council in cooperation with the Pittsburgh Chapter of the Naval Academy Alumni Association, the USS Requin Base of the SubVets, and the Chief Petty Officer’s Association of McKeesport and Pittsburgh, will be held on Friday, October 11th at the Edgewood Country Club.
This year we are honored to have as the Navy Ball “Keynote Speaker” the Steeler Icon Rocky Bleier. Rocky, a combat veteran who earned both a Bronze Star and Purple Heart in Viet Nam, later went on to NFL fame as a four-time Super Bowl Champion despite his combat injuries, and as one of the top blocking backs in the league, was often cited as “The Driver of Franco Harris’ Bus”, so it promises to be both a very interesting and extremely fun evening. Tickets to this year’s dinner dance celebration of our Navy’s 249th birthday are now available:
Schedule of events
6:00 PM
6:45 PM
7:30 PM
8:30 PM
Since we would like to maximize attendance at this event, we have kept ticket prices at the same level for the third straight year. Ticket Prices per person are:
$70 – O5 and above/
Civilians /and Guests
$60 – E-7 and above/O-1 to O-4 and Guests
$50 – E-4 to E-6 and Guests
$40 –Midshipman/ E-1 to E-3 and Guests
Please confirm your registration by e-mail to:
Tom Clark:
Polly Bozdech-Veater:
Katherine Kersten:
Please send your
check (made out to Navy League, Pittsburgh Council) to: Tom Clark, 1032 Harvard
Rd. Monroeville, PA 15146
RSVP: Friday, by October 4, 2024
Please Note: Whether or not you plan on attending the Ball, any contribution that you would like to make to subsidize the cost of the tickets for our Midshipmen and junior sailors would be greatly appreciated. Our membership has been very generous in the past, and we anticipate that this tradition of support for our young man and women will continue.
Message from our Council President
Friends of the Sea Services:
I hope that all of you had an enjoyable Memorial Day holiday, and that you at least set aside some time to honor and remember the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation, particularly as this is also the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Unfortunately, all too many of us look at this only as the unofficial start of summer and forget what this day is all about.
That said, I want to bring you up to speed on some “events” you may have missed, and which need to be understood by the general membership.
Please know that we value your membership and appreciate all the support that you continue to provide and we want to make sure that you are not only proud to be a member, but that you can have fun and enjoy your membership.
As always, should you have any questions or concerns regarding our Pittsburgh Council, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.
Wishing you all an enjoyable and healthy Summer,
Tom Clark, President
Pittsburgh Council
Navy League of the United States
(412) 551-5725 (mobile)
(412) 719-6432 (mobile)
Contributions for VA Picnic:
Tom Clark
1032 Harvard Rd
Monroeville, PA 15146
Council Updating our Membership Roster
The Pittsburgh Council is currently in the process of updating our roster in order to ensure that it contains the most current information for all Active Members. To accomplish this “update”, each member with a current e-Mail address will receive an e-Mail to confirm their information. For those who do not have a correct e-mail on record, you will receive either a telephone call from a Board Member, or a “hard copy” letter confirming the status of your membership and updating the information (e-mail, telephone, home address) that you are willing to share with us. Please note: Your privacy is #1 and will continue to be our primary concern, and your information will not be shared outside our organization.
We are moving legacy, unforgettable items and events to the "Pittsburgh Council News and Features" page. See link to the right.
Updated Resource List posted below.
248th Navy Birthday Ball
October 13, 2023
We had a great Navy Birthday Ball. Held at Edgewood Country Club, attendees included active Navy enlisted and officers, retired Navy, Steel City NROTC Midshipmen, civilians and RADM Tom Anderson as the guest speaker. Sequence of events included: Call to Order, Parade the Colors, National Anthem, Invocation, Sailors Creed, Honors Table, Recognition of Unit CO's, Honored Guests, RADM Anderson providing the Birthday message, cake cutting, dinner and dancing.
A few highlight pictures:
Active and retired Navy participants leave their hats on the entrance table.
Following the Call to Order by CWO2 (SS) Bob MacPherson, USN (Ret.) the Steel City NROTC Color Guard parades the colors.
RADM Tom Anderson, Acting Commander, Navy Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) delivers a heartwarming message.
CAPT Tom Clark, USN (Ret.), President Navy League Pittsburgh Council, LCDR Rick Elster, USN (Ret.), and Midshipman Shannon McKay cut the birthday cake.
RADM Anderson and members of the Navy League Pittsburgh Council Board of Directors.
Polly Bozdech-Veater awarded Stockdale Ombudsman of the Year
Please join us in congratulating our own Ms. Polly Bozdech-Veater as the 2023 recipient of the Mrs. Sybil Stockdale Ombudsman Of The Year Award! Polly has successfully created a sense of community throughout Western Pennsylvania, both as our Navy Ombudsman and as a citizen of the Steel City. She has been a wealth of information for all of us and her support is unwavering. We are truly blessed by having her as part of our team!
Well done and well deserved, Polly!
The Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) established the Mrs. Sybil Stockdale Ombudsman of the Year Award. Mrs. Stockdale set an unflagging example for her support to families of other POWs during the seven-year internment of her husband, Vice Admiral James Bond Stockdale, in Southeast Asia.
Mrs. Stockdale’s commitment to Navy families
exemplifies the foundation of the Ombudsman Program today. She set the example
by establishing the National League of Families of American Prisoners in
Southeast Asia to provide support for families of other POWs. More than 40
years later there are over 2,000 dedicated volunteers serving Navy families as
Nominated by their commanding officers, these ombudsmen maintain the highest standards of professionalism and create a healthy sense of community by being positive role models for command members and their families. They serve as a principal source of assistance and support during deployment, mobilization and times of emergencies. Recipients of this award have exhibited selfless dedication and service to the command families.
Keel Authenticated for Future USS Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, and the Pittsburgh Council of the
Navy League of the United States was represented at the keel authentication for the future USS Pittsburgh, LPD 31, by Captain
Polly Bozdech-Veater, former Navy League national vice-president.
Pittsburgh Navy League sponsored the former USS Pittsburgh, SSN-720 for over 36
years and will do so for the “new” USS Pittsburgh.
From the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, June 11, 2023:
Newest USS Pittsburgh under construction in Mississippi | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Is the Navy League still needed?
From the Navy League Headquarters: “The Navy League of the United States, founded in 1902 with the support of President Theodore Roosevelt, is a nonprofit civilian, educational and advocacy organization that supports America’s sea services: the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and U.S.-flag Merchant Marine.”
The question for some today might be, after 121 years, is the Navy League still needed?
From the Huntington Ingalls Industries website:
HII Begins Fabrication of Amphibious Transport Dock Pittsburgh (LPD 31)
See the following link: (you may need to copy and paste in your browser)
Navy Birthday Ball celebrating the 247h Birthday of the U.S. Navy
Friday, October 14th, 2022
It was a great event.
The Pittsburgh Council of the Navy League of the United States sponsored the annual Navy Birthday Ball on Friday, October 14, 2022. Once again, this year the Pittsburgh Council was joined by the Pittsburgh Chapter of the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association, the U.S. Submarine Veterans Requin Base, and the Chief Petty Officers Association of McKeesport and Pittsburgh as co-sponsors of the celebration.
Keynote speaker for the event was Rear Admiral Sinclair “Sinc” Harris, USN (Ret). Currently serving as Vice President for Client Relationships at the Logistics Management Institute in Washington, DC, he also serves as Immediate Past President of the National Naval Officers Association, Vice President of the Navy League of the United States, and as a board member of the Navy & Marine Corps Relief Society. Prior to his retirement from the Navy, his most recent assignments included: tours in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations as the Deputy Director, Expeditionary Warfare Division and as the Director, Navy Irregular Warfare Office/Future Concepts; the Commander of U.S. Naval
Forces Southern Command and U.S. 4th Fleet; and as the Vice Director for Operations on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Harris' decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and various other unit and campaign awards.
Steel City NROTC Color Guard
Emcee Bob MacPherson
RADM Sinclair Harris delivering his moving words about core values, faith, family, our constitution, the Navy and having a healthy dialogue moving forward.
Link to the text of RADM Sinclair Harris' remarks at the Navy League Pittsburgh Navy Ball, 2022.
Cutting the Cake - Oldest to Youngest Sailor
Port of Pitsburgh Newsletter all Digital
Our award winning "Port of Pittsburgh" newsletter is now all digital. All future editions will be sent via email to our members and continue to be posted on our website. The benefits include reduced cost and speed of delivery.
2nd Quarter 2024 Port of Pittsburgh Newsletter posted
The 2nd Quarter 2024 Port of Pittsburgh Newsletter, the official publication of the Navy League of the United States, Pittsburgh Council, is posted. See Ports of Pittsburgh tab above.
This edition is loaded with great information. Articles include our President's message, USS Pittsburgh LPD31 support planning, NROTC awards, submarine update by Bob MacPherson, Commander, Submarine Forces Pacific visit to Pittsburgh, US Coast Guard updates, Elizabeth, PA Memorial Day and Milestones in the life of a Navy vessel.
RDML Richard Seif & CAPT Jason Deichler webcast held July 27
RDML Seif is Commander, Undersea Warfighting Development Center, Groton, CT. Capt. Jason Deichler, is the past CO of the USS Pittsburgh and now the Director of Training, Naval Submarine School. Here is a rebroadcast of the webinar link:
Looking Forward to Exciting and Rewarding Events in 2024
The Pittsburgh Council looks forward to 2024, a year for exciting new events.
Details for events will be provided as final plans are firmed up.
If you would like to support our Nation's and local Sea Services and have fun doing so, just get in contact with our President listed on the "Board of Directors" tab above.
New Navy Ship Named USS Pittsburgh
Edited from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, January 18, 2021
The last U.S. Navy vessel named for the city of Pittsburgh, a submarine, retired in 2019 after 35 years at sea, but the Navy announced that a new ship will bear the city's name.
Navy Secretary Kenneth Braithwaite said a future San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock will be the USS Pittsburgh (LPD-31), the fifth Navy vessel to honor the city. With Marines embarked, the ship has a crew of over 1000 Officers, Chiefs and enlisted. The normal crew size is a little over 350 - about three times the crew size our beloved USS Pittsburgh SSN 720 submarine.
"As a proud resident of the Keystone State, I know that Pittsburgh is a proud city with a strong legacy of service to our nation," Mr. Braithwaite said in a Navy video. "And the name USS Pittsburgh has served the Navy well."
Prior ships bearing the name of the city were a Union ironclad, cruisers in both world wars and most recently a Los Angeles-class attack sub that completed its final tour in 2019.
"I am confident that the crew of the future Pittsburgh will demonstrate the same excellence in support of amphibious and littoral operations around the world,” Braithwaite said.
The new 25,000-ton USS Pittsburgh was ordered in April, 2020 and is being built at a Mississippi shipyard by Huntington Ingalls Industries. The San Antonio-class amphibious transport docks are designed to transport troops and equipment to battle zones around the world. The class includes the USS New York, the first of three LPDs built in honor of the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks. The New York's bow stem was cast using steel salvaged from the World Trade Center. The others are the USS Somerset, site of the crash of Flight 93 on 9/11, and the USS Arlington, where another plane hit the Pentagon. Materials from the sites were incorporated into both ships.
The class also includes USS Harrisburg, being built in the same shipyard as the Pittsburgh.
The last USS Pittsburgh was a submarine launched in 1984 and saw action in both Iraq wars. It marked its 1,000th dive in November 2017, after which the crew posed for a picture holding a Terrible Towel, shown in the Legacy tab on our website.
Submarine USS Pittsburgh Memorabilia
Still Available
We have in our inventory a small number of USS Pittsburgh memorabilia items. Since the USS Pittsburgh has been deactivated, once they are gone, we will not have any future memorabilia inventory to remember this boat. These make great holiday items to remember and to celebrate this fast attack submarine Pittsburgh namesake. The following listing displays the item, the quantity available and price (shipping charges are included).
Item Quantity Price
Metal Travel Mugs 3 $30
Acrylic Christmas Ornament 8 $20
Ballcaps w/logo 7 $25
Lapel pins w/logo 31 $5
To purchase any item, please contact John
Caspero at: primary: e-mail -; secondary: home phone (412)
Navy League of the US Scholarship Opportunity
Navy League Foundation Navy League Foundation awards scholarships to high school seniors who will attend college in the fall. Navy League Foundation scholarships are available to children and grandchildren of veterans or active duty sea service men and women, as well as members of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps.
Non - Navy Military Related
Memory Care Resource Guide for Veterans
A study conducted by NIH (National Institute of
Health) found that veterans are twice as likely to develop dementia. Aside from
the normal aging process, traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress
disorder make veterans more vulnerable to dementia than the general population.
To help veterans and their families, we have been provided with a guide to memory care for
veterans This resource goes over dementia in detail and shares treatment
options as well as available VA programs and resources.
You can view the guide here:
Paying for Senior Care for Veterans
There are approximately 18
million senior veterans living in the U.S., many of whom may be eligible for
various assisted living and home care benefits. The guide on provides comprehensive information on the options
available to senior veterans, whether they are living in a nursing home,
assisted living facility, or at home. This information will help veterans meet
their basic needs, stay safe, active, and healthy.
Here’s the link to the guide:
A Guide to Veteran's Benefits
If you’re a veteran, there are many resources available to you, including some specific to older adults and those in need of long-term care. But navigating these benefits can be confusing.
This guide helps veterans understand available benefits, uncover financial assistance opportunities, and provide ideas that can reduce the costs associated with long-term care – whether in a nursing home, assisted living community, or at home.
Here’s the link to the guide:
Our Navy League Council has no affiliation with these organizations.
Resources for Military (active and reserve) and families in the Pittsburgh Area
The newly updated Resource List (April 15, 2024) is posted here. This is a comprehensive listing of local resources specifically available for veterans and active-duty military personnel. Resource topics include military, legal, veterans, family, financial counseling, retail discounts and many more. Here's the Military Resource List.
Resume help:
Here is a resource for your reference:
Pittsburgh Council Facebook
Facebook Pages Related to Pittsburgh and the Sea Services
Marine Safety Unit Pittsburgh
Navy Reserve Center Pittsburgh
USCG Station Erie, PA
World Affairs Council, Pittsburgh
US Submarine Veterans Inc.
USS Laboon (DDG 58)
USS Pennsylvania (SSBN 735) Blue Crew
USS Pennsylvania Group
USS Requin (SS 481 )
Who we are:
The Navy League of the United States was founded in 1902 with the encouragement of President Theodore Roosevelt. The Navy League is unique among military-oriented associations in that it is a civilian organization dedicated to the education of our citizens, including our elected officials, and the support of the men and women of the sea services and their families.
The objective and purpose of the Navy League is
twofold: educational and motivational. We must acquire and display
before the citizens of our country information regarding the condition
of our naval and maritime forces. We must awaken interest and support in
all matters which aid our maritime capabilities.
To this end, the Navy League works closely with the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and US-flag Merchant Marine through a network of 265 councils in the U.S. and around the world. The Navy League has more than 65,000 active members.
The Navy League supports America's young people through its youth programs, including sponsorship of the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps and the Navy League Scholarship Program. Individual councils are also involved in promoting youth-oriented activities in their communities such as NJROTC, MCJROTC, and ROTC units along with other recognized youth programs. Local councils and national headquarters provide over $200,000 in scholarships and awards every year.
Navy League councils support active duty military personnel through
"adoption" of ships, installations, and units; commissioning ceremonies;
award programs; and other recognition programs.
Over the years,
the Navy League has compiled an impressive record of accomplishments.
Today the Navy League is widely respected by citizens, community and
industrial leaders, and public officials. Navy League programs are
welcomed in communities throughout the nation, and members are
recognized for their integrity and patriotism.
To Join Navy League of the United States and the Pittsburgh Council, please go to the National Navy League site at:
Pittsburgh Council, Patriotism & Gratitude, Honor, Knowledge, Service, Awareness, & Engagement